
Know yourself and attract success to your life

Can you accept yourself? For this you need to know yourself personally first and then you will be able to attract success into your life. Take my hand and I will accompany you in this precious process.

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Self-knowledge is a path of self-improvement to transform ourselves and become better people, through knowing our limitations. This requires previous steps that the author Gloria Lucía Gómez Falcón will advise you to take and, at the same time, will inspire you by inviting you to go through her own experiences, which have left her with teachings that will enrich you in the course of this incredible process.

The author reveals the importance of learning to “know yourself” in order to understand and accept yourself, studying your inner self, that is, YOUR OWN SOUL, because only in this way, we can guide our lives and our actions according to our interests and purposes to obtain assured success.

And always remember: “The magic is where you put your attention”